
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Winter work

Times that we can't work on the course are spent working inside.  The last few weeks the time is being spent sanding down tee markers then they will receive a new coat of paint, stain, and varnish. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013


MYA by #10 green this morning 
Also the latest USGA green section article from Adam Moeller

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Continuing Education

Winter is the time many Seminars are held for Superintendents. They are held by local associations like the MetGCSA and LIGCSA. These are always highlighted by professors and researchers  updating us on their resent findings and studies.
The seminars offer Educational Credits to the GCSAA, and also fulfill required credits to renew our Pesticide Applicators License.
Rainbird Central Irrigation Control training.
I attended this Rainbird seminar to learn to program and use our irrigation computer for more efficient water use. 
MetGCSA Seminar Wed Jan 16th
I also attended this and heard speeches on tank mixing, annual bluegrass weevil control, pythium control, and many other updates on problems that impact the Met area.
Maxwell Turf Seminar Wed Jan 16th
Brendan attended this seminar since both were scheduled on the same day.  These speakers also highlighted many disease and pests that impact Long Island. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tree Work

Multiple Trees that we took down were filled with honey comb and bees. 

Removal of tagged tree left of #9.
An Arborist hired by our Insurance company tagged/labled over 65 trees for removal,and we received our claim for them.  Further damage caused by these trees will not be covered.
    Another severely damaged tree that was tagged for removal.


December USGA Northeast Region Update

Our area USGA agronomist David Oatis' December Update.“All-I-Want-for-Christmas…”---December-2012/

Frost Delays

Good video from the USGA about the damage that can be caused from walking on frost. 

USGA Greens Section Frost Delay Video