
Wednesday, December 11, 2013


2013 has just about come to an end.  The golf here at Rockville Links has slowed to a halt, for the time being, because of the snowfall and freezing temps.  

The question I receive most this time of year is; What are you doing for the winter?

There is still plenty of work to be done around Rockville Links all winter, and yes myself, assistants, mechanics, and a few full-time employees are here year round.

I will try to give weekly highlights to what we accomplish throughout the winter months to give membership a better understanding of how much work and course preperation goes on in January, February, and March.

Winter is also the main time for continuing education.  Classes, conferences, and trade shows provide a great opportunity to keep up to date on the latest in the industry.  They also provide credits that are mandatory to renew our NY Pesticide Licences.