
Wednesday, December 11, 2013


2013 has just about come to an end.  The golf here at Rockville Links has slowed to a halt, for the time being, because of the snowfall and freezing temps.  

The question I receive most this time of year is; What are you doing for the winter?

There is still plenty of work to be done around Rockville Links all winter, and yes myself, assistants, mechanics, and a few full-time employees are here year round.

I will try to give weekly highlights to what we accomplish throughout the winter months to give membership a better understanding of how much work and course preperation goes on in January, February, and March.

Winter is also the main time for continuing education.  Classes, conferences, and trade shows provide a great opportunity to keep up to date on the latest in the industry.  They also provide credits that are mandatory to renew our NY Pesticide Licences. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fall Projects


A major in-house project began this fall was re-grassing bunkers on #5 and the left side of #6 green.  The pictures above show the finished faces.  Both of these areas had built up a great deal of sand over the years.   This made it extremely hard to keep quality turf in these high profile areas just off the green.   

The crew removed the years of buildup down to the green netting/mesh from the original sod.  We were able to find this netting on all the bunkers we re-grassed so they were unchanged from the original design.   The new sod installed was a turf type tall Fescue, which will survive better on these bunker faces because it is more drought tolerant.

Before and After shot of #5 Left Side

We also cut down the all the high rough mounds that were sodded last fall.  Below if a Time Lapse video that highlights how much work goes into these areas.  I'm hoping to add more videos like this in the future to better show what goes into maintaining Rockville Links Club.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Late fall aeration

This week was set aside for Rockville Links late fall aeration.  We began the process by using our deep scarifier verticut blades.  These do a great job removing thatch and organic matter from the surface making room for sand.  As you can see in the pictures above there is plenty of excess sand after Drill and Fill.

Drill and Fill is a very slow process that we bring in an outside company to complete.  3-4 machines operated for 20+ hours to complete all 18 greens, putting green, and target green on the range.  The huge advantage of this process is it removes material at depths of 8-10" and completely fills the 1" holes with sand.  

While the drill and fill process was ongoing, Rockville's crew aerated approaches.  The sandy mix left behind on greens was then dragged onto apps to fill the holes.  

Once cleanup was complete on greens they were rolled and then aerated.  The above picture is how they looked directly behind aeration.  The greens were then rolled again and amendments were added to the open holes.  Sand topdessing was then applied and brushed to fill holes.  

Weather cooperated all week long.  There were no frost delays and rain came as soon as cleanup was complete.  There will be ongoing work in the next week to help ensure sand is distributed evenly.  The greens will also be rolled a few more times to help smooth the playing surface. 

Irrigation in the Rain?

Anyone at or around The Links this afternoon saw sprinkler heads running on the greens.  The timing just seems off with the light rain Mother Nature provided, but this was done intentionally for multiple reasons.

  • Test sprinkler heads after deep Drill and Fill aeration to make sure no wires were damaged.
  • Clean sand and debris from drives.  The kiln dried sand seems to hang around even after the head is cleaned off
  • Rain was not enough to wash in fertilizer, amendments, and the wetting agent/soil spray.  The spray this afternoon needed to be washed in thoroughly, and the rainfall was not heavy enough to do it alone. The rain also was off and on, so there was a chance of burning the grass blades if the spray sat to long. 
  • The extra water will help sand get washed in better/faster.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fairway Update

Today we continued fairway aeration.  Over the last few weeks we have tried to just spot treat areas that needed extra attention.  Today we aerated and picked up all the cores on 15 fairway.  The soil on 15 is much heavier and more compacted than most on the course.  To help this fairway do better in the heat of the summer we are collecting all cores/soil pulled, verticutting, topdressing to fill holes, then adding amendments. 
Filling with sand will help air exchange and water infiltration.

Expansion areas with thinner turf will be drop seeded into aeration holes with rye grass, and then slit seeded with bentgrass.

After this fairway begins to heal we will come back over with a deep verti-drain followed by the verti-quake.

After aeartion + verticut, ready to bet cut and then topdressed.  

USGA: Course Care Links Page

USGA: Course Care Links Page

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fescue Additions

The plantings above are variety of bluestem fescue.  These grasses are being transplanted from the current fescue areas on Rockville Links.  The surround areas have been sprayed and seeded so next year we should have a good stand of clean fescue. 

More areas will follow as we continue this process throughout the fall and spring.  The Mounds surrounding the dump to the right of 14 green is the current area we are working on.

Digging out Bluestem plants to transplant.  These areas came in very thick and it is hard to find your ball.  So transplanting is also thinning out other native/fescue areas

Saturday, August 17, 2013

USGA: Northeast

USGA: Northeast

New August Article from: Jim Skorulski, senior agronomist, Northeast Region

Monday, July 29, 2013

Cicada Killer Wasp

These are the very large wasps that I have been getting calls and questions about lately.  They have really started to show up (along with their burrows) in the last 2-3 weeks.  These really do not pose any threat to humans despite their intimidating size.

If you take a minute to listen, especially around some trees, you will hear all the cicadas.  These wasps help to limit the cicada population, and in turn that helps save some damage to trees.  

Unless they begin to burrow into greens, tees, bunkers, or any other playing surface I have always left these wasps alone, and let nature run its course.

Friday, July 26, 2013

New Green Section Articles

Article From Adam Moeller USGA Agronomist Northeast Region

USGA: Northeast

Article From David Oatis, Director Northeast Region


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thatch Eliminator Trial

Today some of the crew set up a trial for a product called Thatch Eliminator.  The product was spread over a few tees and just half of others to get a true check how well it works.  The product claims to aid in the Microbial Degradation of thatch.  If there are great results, the same process will be repeated on all tees and also some fairway spots.  We will see in a month. 

Pulled Cores on 7 tee to see if it helps to add the product directly to aeration holes

Thatch present on 7 tee today

Drop spreading the materiel...You will see these check areas painted off on a few tees for the next 30+ days

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Moisture Meters

There have been plenty of guesses what this device is used for....The correct answer is a Moisture Meter. It gives the % water content in the soil.  Right now we are using 3" probes and the meter takes the average percentage through the full 3" depth.  As our roots begin to shorten during heat stress we will switch to shorter 1.5" probes.  

This device allows us to monitor our water content and try to keep greens consistent.  This also keeps playing conditions consistent.  During summer heat the meter helps us decide whether to water or syringe/ cool off the surface.  

So spread the word that it reads moisture content....Although I wish it could also give me the temperature and green speed along with the other guesses I've heard.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What are all those dots on the greens?

All the spots and dots on the greens are from ball-marks that were fixed incorrectly or not at all.  The crew plugged the pitted marks out of the greens and replaced with our topdressing sand.  Some seed was also mixed in.  Although these spots catch your eye they help keep the putting surface smooth.  

Friday, May 31, 2013

Golf Course Superintendent, Luke Knutson

Saturday June 1st at 8 AM I am the guest for On Par radio with Anthony Scorcia on AM radio 1240

Here's the link to the shows website.  Even after the show the podcast will be posted on the website.

Golf Course Superintendent, Luke Knutson

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Today we had the opportunity to greatly improve the bunkers by moving sand around to insure proper depths throughout the trap.  This was done very early this spring, but  needed extra attention once again.  

The problem has not been a lack of sand....but how the sand was positioned inside the trap.  Most of the sand was on the face and edges of the bunker.  This leads to firm bottoms of the trap and fried egg lies on the faces.  

The crew checked the depth of the sand to insure a little less on the faces, and moved the excess sand to the bottom.    Most bunkers needed sand REMOVED not added. 

The difference is very noticeable.  Reinforcing the new expectations to the crew should lead to a better visual and playing experience on a daily basis.

Rains over the past week have shown some wet soggy areas on fairways and high traffic areas.  Our new Verti-Quake machine was ran through these areas again to help relieve the compaction and should greatly improve drainage.  This machine leaves the lines that were seen in many places this spring.

In between routine maintenance, we are continuing to clean up the course from storm damage.  

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Weekend

The weather has not cooperated so far this holiday weekend.  Late yesterday we had a few trees snap in half and another completely uproot.  Plenty of other branches also blew out of trees.  All that added together with all the pollen and seeds made a huge mess across the whole course.  The delay today was just so we could clean up and be able to clean/mow greens, clean/rake traps, and blow off fairways and tees ahead of play.  The temporary inconvenience allowed the crew to get a great deal of cleanup done this morning.  This also allowed carts to go, softer conditions after the rain with the sticks and branches could have caused a ton of damage.  Things will be back to normal tomorrow morning, which looks like it will be the best weather of the Weekend!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

New look for the Front Circle

All the rain days this week allowed time to finally start and finish the front entrance makeover. 


A frequent question I have heard lately is, when are divot boxes being put out on the tees?  

I am not a fan of leaving Divot mix on tees.  The seed usually germinates while still in the box and then never really does well once put in the divot.  So it wastes seed, labor to make the mix and top off the boxes.

What I have always done is send one person daily to fill the divots on every tee.  This is not much added time when this person is already going to each tee to blow it clean, empty garbage, check ballwashers, and move tee markers.  

As a membership Rockville Links does a great job filling fairway divots!  Keep it up and top off a few extra.  The staff will take care of Tee Divots.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Follow up on Drain Lines

A few weeks back I put up a post about the drain lines.  Just as a follow up here is how they looked over the weekend.  These are the exact 3 lines in each picture.  


Saturday, April 20, 2013

This week at the Links

Rockville Links is scheduled to begin the installation of internal drainage in 5, 8, and 10 green Wednesday April 24.  This process is usually about a day and a half per green.  So as long as weather holds up this should be a quick process that is completely wrapped up by early the following week. 

The new well on 2 should begin end of the week or early the following.  All that we are waiting on is the permit to arrive from the New York DEC.

Earlier this week the process of restocking fish in the pond began.  Added was a variety of Koi including a few Butterfly Koi.  Along with the Koi we added a few Red Comets and Shubunkins.  Soon we will be adding some aquatic plants and a variety of fish that will help control algae and mosquitoes.

Now that the pond has been cleaned we began a weekly maintenance program. 
Mya has been pitching in as well.  

New landscape area by the Oasis

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Changes to #5

Last Thursday the crew completed the renovation to #5 Approach.  The approach was brought down the bank closer to the edge of the pond, and was tapered to meet the walk path.  The sod was cut from our nursery.  Over the weekend the sod started to root very well.  The area still will not be ready for play for weeks.  Try to avoid walking on the sod until the stakes surrounding the area are removed.   

Finished Product

The other huge change to 5 was the annual cleaning of the pond.  As you can see from the pictures there was a lot to clean out!  There was 8-12" of muck in the bottom.  Not many fish were found this year....not sure if that was from a complete freeze this winter, the stagnant water, or a combination of both.  In the next few days we will be adding more fish, and possibly some aquatic plants.    

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Drain Lines

The look of the drain lines has been a huge topic around The Links this week.   The main problem is with the sandier mix the cold temps can reach deeper into the soil.  The drain lines didn't "Wake Up" as quickly as the rest of the greens.  So aeration last week followed by topdressing and dragging the sand really bruised the  drain lines.  

The pictures below are zoomed in image of the same drain line above.  As the picture shows most of the bruised turf is at the tip and the rest of the plant is very healthy!  

First cut is planned for tomorrow morning.  This cut should remove most of this ugly part of the leaf blade.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Aeration went great on Monday.  We were able to aerate Greens, Approaches, Fairways, and Walkpaths.  The only set back was some rain in the afternoon.  This pushed back some of the fairway cleanup on fairways till Tuesday.  We are about 95% cleaned up this morning.  There is a crew working though the course now ahead of any play checking for any plugs that may have been missed.


Greens came out great!  After working in topdressing and rolling in 2 directions they are much smoother. 

We are open again this morning with greens and carts.  Just keep in mind....overnight temps are in the 30's through the weekend.  So we will be opening for play in the 9:00 A.M. range.